Farmers Struggle due to "Progress"

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Farmers Struggle due to "Progress"
Published by Polly St. George in technocracy · 14 February 2021
Tags: technocracyfarmingsurvivalrevolutionrenaissance
I recently ran into this story about the further undermining of small and medium farmers. It seems that they can no longer control the repairs of their own equipment due to proprietary software installed in John Deere machines. Not only can’t they tinker with their equipment themselves, farmers can’t take it down the street to their usual repairman, either, unless he’s been specifically qualified and licensed by John Deere’s bureaucrats or partners.

Once again we see that ‘progress’ is not what it’s made out to be. It doesn’t make life easier or better for regular people, it simply makes markets, income & control more efficient for the ruling class.

We can (and must!) take action to prevent a total technocrat takeover before they’ve buried all past knowledge and burned the tools & materials we used before they came along.

If the farmers in the article are finding work-arounds for their problems, so can we. We can begin by reminding ourselves and others that just because something is called ‘progress’ doesn’t mean it is a positive or inevitable thing. Progress towards what? Why? What problem does a new technology solve and what problems has it created? Is it worth the trade-off?

We have options in front of us. Underground economies are a viable option but we must begin building, using and spreading them before it's too late.  Hold on to hard currency and precious metals and resist any move to a crypto-backed or digital only banking system where you're dependent on internet access to buy and sell and where the whims of the social justice warriors could get you disconnected from your funds at the flick of a switch. (See Laura Loomer if you don't believe this can happen.)  Cold hard cash will be viable on the 'black market' forever.  Make sure you have some on hand.

Another thing we can do is build connections between people outside of the technocratic system. Mailing lists, community groups, scheduled meet-ups.  It is still possible for us to preserve the traditions and methods of the past so long as we get enough people involved. People can work independently but also together as a planning group to save or collect old tools, technologies, skills & ways. Perhaps we can come up with a coordinated effort to do so where we have a network of teams all over North America who do not compete with but rather compliment one another’s efforts in this regard. If I have expertise in, say, yard maintenance equipment but I run across an old printing press it would be nice to know who to call to alert them to the opportunity I've found but can't take advantage of.  

Whatever we collect, it might be a good idea to (at least loosely) catalogue & publish who has which items instead of each person anonymously storing them away.  After all, what good are they if no one can find them when they are needed?  

Similarly, skills could be passed on in clinics in small towns instead of left to fade away with the aging of those who have them.  Engine repair, plumbing, electrical, butchery, tanning, food preservation, building techniques, natural medicine, midwifery, how to generate off grid power, etc. All of these skills were once vital to having a good life.  Although we might believe so strongly in technological progress that we laugh at the idea of ever having to master these older ways, the truth is that technocracy too has an expiry date and will fail.  From my perspective we are in those failing days now in spite of the propaganda to the contrary.  You can either prepare for it or not, but what have you got to lose by working on these sorts of projects?

What do you think about all of this? Please add your ideas, criticisms, or personal experience in the comments section below.  

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17 Feb 2021
That's a good point Lizzie (although possibly not the main one.)

Knowing how to fix/build things is only half the battle. Having the appropriate tools and materials to do the job is the other half. So the real challenge is knowing how to improvise and get the job done WITHOUT the right tools and materials. Otherwise known as MACGYVERing what you need.

Rest assured, it can be learnt, it just takes a little more research, dedication, time - and of course - plenty of trial and error!
16 Feb 2021
Louis Rossmann has been fighting for our 'right to repair' and there are several videos of his and others' testimonies on youtube if you search under his name.
Bill Conwayyou are too close to the forest to see the trees but even worse, you believe that farmers that purchase your equipment ( that enslaves them) are to blame. First of all, in many cases, for various reasons, farmer's have little choice anymore in what to purchase and you know that. Your thinking is so typical of the corporate sociopath that shifts blame to the unsuspecting consumer that puts their trust in you and your product. How much does the farmer pay to ship the tractor to your repair shop to " prevent further damage". The "...further damage" comment is what all software companies tell their enslaved customers.
Fortunately, my father taught me to be a hands on, resourceful woman who questioned everything and I didn't grow up as a privileged child who had everything done for them. I cut the grass, washed my clothes and dishes. When I got my driver's license at 16, I had to know a car engine inside and out. I had to know how to maintain a vehicle and how to make minor repairs- required in my school. I mostly purchase quality items that were made before 1980. My oven was made in Ohio in 1950's. The only 'new' item I own is an EPA approved fireplace insert that heats my old home. I can fix or repair most things with a little instruction as long as I can get parts but that's becoming the problem.
Lesa Mickey
15 Feb 2021
Hello, read about adrenochrome info on a telegram page & wanted to share with you, but your system wont let me put in a link.
It's the CYM Corp.. Motto : Caring is Youth . Youth is Money . Money is freedom.
tons of documents & 'proof' of harvesting from young kids.
Clint of Hawaii
15 Feb 2021
Hi. I need to make a correction on a sentence from my last posted comment. It says,
"Looked in the mirror today and cracked it in 3 places." I meant to say, Looked in the
mirror today and IT cracked in 3 places. In other words, mirror cracked itself when I
gazed upon it as in a Hollywood Movie humor scene. Wanted you to know I'm not a
violent person and would not resort to breaking things I disapprove of. Am a Man of
Peace and Goodwill who is currently putting into practice many of the helpful ideas
Polly presented in her Blog. Thanks, for understanding. God bless all of you! Aloha.
Clint of Hawaii
15 Feb 2021
Hi Polly and Patriots. Love your valuable contributions. Presented with respect and class.
I'm 4th generation American from ancestors of Azores, Portugal, Normandy, France, and
Scardinia, Italy, who legally immigrated to Hawaii as field/ farmer laborers on July 1882.

My father was a Tractor Operator, and promoted to Construction Mobile Crane Operator.
Remember him going to work with his Lunch Pail in one hand and Tool Box in the other.
Maintained "His Rig" for 10 yrs. - only expenses replacing a broken radiator and 3 tires!
He supported a wife & 7 children - hard work, self reliance, faith in God. One of a Kind.

So was Mother, who managed the Home, plus, had a part time job to give us The Best.
She too passed away before the Pandemic, natural causes, and also lived over 90 yrs!
I have her favorite Ukulele that she played while doing the Hula on stage. I play it now
for memories. Save the Hula for my 3 sisters who inherited her beauty, charm & talent!

I worked harvesting Pineapple here in Hawaii, age of 15 to pay for school lunch & gear.
Now forward 40 plus years! Yikes! Still got a tan, but is this the same man? Good Lord,
what happened? Looked in the mirror today and cracked it in 3 places. Got more cracks
and curves on my face than a mountain side has from an exploding volcano! My Vanity
too is gone, financially and emotionally! Oh well, still have my humor and some sanity.
But no vanity! Ha! Be happy. Bless you all. Aloha. - Clint of Hawaii
15 Feb 2021
Polly is not reinventing the wheel or tossing it out, Instead, I think she's suggesting we acquire new skills while also helping to preserve known and practiced arts, artifacts, workmanship, tried and tested methods of solving problems, etc., ..all of which are being lost and long abandoned by modernity. We can all prepare with the intent of being 'mindful archivists & curators' of past & current cultural realia, knowledge & traditions. I love the idea of possessing the 'know how' and 'wherewithal' especially if we have to confront adversities from a hostile or indifferent source or government. BTW, the internet is vitally important long as you can rely on it to work 24/7 and, that the energy to power it is turned 'on'. PS: I'll send you a fresh jar (using my great, great grandmother's special recipe) of her homemade 'chili sauce' to prove to you what's really worth preserving!...."um, um good!"
Bill Conway
14 Feb 2021
Polly, you don't understand the John Deere policy. I've worked for John Deere for 33 years. The farmers have options on the type of equipment they purchase. The farmers that buy the equipment know that there is proprietary software in the equipment and the repairs can only be done at John Deere to prevent further damage. You seem to be against technology. Are you getting around in a car or are you still have a horse and buggy? I also notice you're sitting in the comfort of your home or maybe your mother's . Are you still hearing the house with a fireplace and cooking your meals over a fire in the backyard? You're able to reach thousands of people through the internet in order to con them. Before you start criticizing technology maybe you should take a close look at what you have in your life right now.
14 Feb 2021
I have been spending time looking at land and off-grid living. The problem I have is that I need to be connected to a computer network to maintain my job. I can give up the job, but more work needed in planning beforehand as I will need some means of replacing it. But I'm on board with this idea. Working on it. Thinking my daughter could become a boat-builder or woods craftsman and my son could be a good mechanic. Now that the city has no redeeming elements and we are just prisoners in our own home subject to unknowable future medical tyrannies, the process of selling the idea to my family is slowing becoming easier. I've planted that seed in their minds and I'm leaving it to germinate for now.
14 Feb 2021
Great thinking Polly, you're right on the money. For years I've been making a point to learn as much as I can about how things were done before we had modern technology. I totally believe that we should all have the ability and the freedom to be self-sufficient and not have to be dependent on thieving middlemen.
Thank you very much for your amazing work!
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